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The past

The history of eCommerce and how it shaped the environment.

Historical Backdrop

For three weeks we have been investiagting the impacts of e-Commerce on the environment. Continue to read through this website to find out more about us and our cause.

The historical backdrop of e-Commerce began around 48 years ago and, up 'til today, keeps on advancing with new technology, developments, and a large number of organizations entering the online market every year. Electronic Data Interchanges and online shopping during the 1970s helped establish modern day e-commerce. The historical backdrop of e-commerce is intently entwined with the historical backdrop of the internet. Online shopping was born when the web was opened to the general population in 1991. Amazon.com was one of the first internet business locales in the US to begin selling items on the web and a great many organizations have pursued since.

“A lot of Americans did their holiday shopping on the Internet. We heard a lot about that on the evening news last December. The evening news, along with The Washington Post, told us something else about our use of the Internet — it seems to be making us more energy efficient. According to a report by the nonprofit Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, it is possible that information technology, and the Internet in particular, are making the economy somewhat less dependent on energy.”
(Source: Energy Information Administration, DoE)

In the past, ecommerce has had some issues dealing with the enviroment, one example is Ebay and vehicle emissons, people werent reducing emmissions by buying online, they were actually doing both which only doubled the ammount of emmisons both from driving to the stores for goods to having semi-trucks delivery the online goods. This article here discusses the environmenal risk provided by Amazon's "Prime Day" On Amazon’s Prime Day, the environment gets a raw deal.

Flowers in Chania


Here are other major companies that have dealt with similar issues in the past .

  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • Bunge limited
  • Fedex

Check out this link for more inofrmation: Amazon and the environment


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